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What is lagom?

lagom [lah:gomm] (Swedish)
not too much, not too little; just right
a lifestyle that encourages balance & mindfulness in everything you do


Lagom is the secret to Sweden's high rankings on international happiness and productivity. Instead of a life full of extremes — like working 60 hours during the work week and completely crashing on the weekend — lagom is all about consistently living somewhere in the middle.


Lagom is a Swedish concept that is often translated as "moderation" or "just the right amount." It is a cultural ideal that embodies the idea of balance, sufficiency, and contentment. Lagom is about finding a harmonious middle ground, avoiding extremes, and maintaining a sense of equilibrium in various aspects of life.


The concept of lagom can be applied to different areas, such as work-life balance, social interactions, and consumption habits. It promotes the idea of not overexerting oneself or being excessive, but rather finding a moderate and sustainable approach. It emphasises fairness, equality, and a consideration for the needs of others.


Lagom can be seen as a collective mindset in Swedish society, where people strive for consensus and cooperation rather than standing out or being overly competitive. It encourages individuals to be mindful of their impact on the environment and to adopt a frugal and sustainable lifestyle.


In essence, lagom is about finding a state of contentment and avoiding excess or deprivation. It embraces the idea that having "just enough" is more fulfilling than striving for excessive abundance. It is a principle that promotes balance and moderation in various aspects of life.

How exactly do you live a lagom life in a society that values extremes?

1. Take regular breaks

It's been proven countless times that our brains weren't made to plough through for hours on end. We produce poor quality work, and then feel unhappy, tired, and ineffective. Which is, you know, not exactly ideal.

Taking a five-minute break for every hour you spend working — whether you're at the office or at home cleaning the bathroom — is a great way to start living the lagom way. And while it may be tempting, try not to fill every break with social media. Instead, talk to a co-worker or just take the few minutes to check in with yourself.


2. Keep your to-do list realistic

Because western culture values a packed schedule, your default is probably to charge through as much as you can as quickly as possible. Instead: Be realistic. Your to-do list should have 'not too little, not too much' on it. Then, you will actually enjoy everything you have to get done instead of just seeing it as yet another obstacle.

But even a perfectly crafted to-do list doesn't always prevent the wall of brain fog that can hit around 4 p.m. If you find yourself feeling stuck or uninspired at work, find some creative inspiration rather than staring blankly at your computer screen. A magazine, for example, can provide a different perspective and a break to the mental cycles that can sometimes get you stuck in a rut.


3. Do more with less

Have a comfy — yet uncluttered — space to call home. After all, minimalism and functionality are at the heart of Swedish design, à la Ikea. It’s all about functionalism and a touch of cosiness. Picking furniture with storage solutions (think: an ottoman that hides remote controls inside), shows character.


4. Enjoy doing your own thing while still spending time with your partner

If you've ever spent a lazy Sunday morning in bed sharing the newspaper with your partner, you've already integrated lagom into your relationship. Swedes have ‘me’ time together. You simply don't have to talk all the time, which leaves a lot of space. Hitting up a yoga class together is another way to practice lagom.


5. Only follow people on Instagram who you actually like

Sometimes, scrolling on Instagram is exactly what you need to recharge and feel inspired. Other times, it may leave you feeling kind of irked. Why? It could be who you're following. Only fill your feed with accounts that are funny, inspiring, grounding, or that just generally make you feel good. In other words, no following someone who you don't actually like — just to see what they're up to.


6. Like hygge, lagom all comes down to self-care

It's no secret that this generation is busier — and more stressed — than ever. Part of that has to do with having a jam-packed schedule. So, lagom can also mean reprioritising what matters most to you in day-to-day life and letting go when the situation calls for it.

When there simply aren’t enough hours in a day, drop a few balls, accept it, take an evening on the couch with those you love, and then start again.

“Having our innate emotional needs met in balance is best regarded as a form of nutrition, not too little, not too much, just as a balanced diet of healthy food nourishes our body, but too much, too little or the wrong type is bad for us.”
[Ivan Tyrrell]

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